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It’s been a short while since I last posted an update to my blog. Anyone who knows me knows I like to keep busy – especially during these unprecedented times. Whether that’s through traveling, working on various creative projects at once, or managing various entrepreneurial ventures, I very much like to keep busy. During my hiatus from my blog over the past few months, I picked up a side gig as a contributing author on a new ice hockey centric news website called The Puck Authority. is a budding new site that offers news coverage from a plethora of ice hockey leagues. From the NHL to the ECHL, we’ve got it all! As aforementioned, I joined the TPA team back in July of this year. I’m responsible for covering the Reading Royals of the ECHL, the minor league professional hockey team based in my home city. I’ve been a Royals fan for quite some time and a season ticket holder for half a decade, so it is exciting to get the opportunity to report the happenings of the team moving forward.
You can check out the fan video I made just for the heck of it prior to the 2019-20 Royals season embedded below. If you want to keep up with the Reading Royals, jump over to my author’s page on The Puck Authority by clicking here.