Peace 2023 Charity Compilation Album is OUT NOW on Gone Postal Records

I’m super proud today to be kicking off another year of PLUR charity compilation albums with Gone Postal Records. The PLUR initiative informally launched in 2019 but officially took shape in the form of quarterly albums in 2020 – making 2023 the fourth year for the project.
Today, I’m proud to announce the launch of Peace 2023 – the first GPR charity compilation album of the year. This new 5-track album is OUT NOW on all digital music platforms and can be easily found on your favorite service by visiting the official fanlink –
As in every year prior, the Peace album is in benefit of Shatterproof – a non-profit organization dedicated to ending the devastation of substance abuse and addiction. 100% of revenue from these Peace albums are donated to the organization. It’s a really important cause for me personally, but I also feel it was a no-brainer as substance abuse and addiction plagues electronic music culture.
Download or stream the album today, support the incredible artists who contributed their music to the project (JONAH SON, DJ Moonstone, Sense of Shades, DAQFE, and Cosmic Perspective), and help us raise awareness and funds for this incredibly important cause!