Where Has Jon Been?

As anyone who reads my blog (primarily just myself) will know, it’s been over a year since I last made a post. In that time, A LOT has changed in my personal and professional life. A few doors closed and chapters of my life came to an end, but as is always seemingly the case, new doors opened and a whole new chapter of my life is now beginning. So with all of that vague, hackneyed nonsense out of the way – I’m excited to announce that I will be taking this whole blogging thing a bit more seriously from here on out. I don’t believe anyone will truly read these posts, so they’ll more so represent a neat and tidy collection of my thoughts. Anyone who cares to know what I’m working on will be able to find it here. For the most part, however, this is simply me documenting a new, more organized chapter of my life.
So where have I been? I’ve been bogged down with a lot of crap – to put it bluntly. As aforementioned, a lot has changed in my personal life – which I won’t touch on too much. The main thing to note from it all is that after years of making excuses – some valid, others fabricated to prioritize comfort over change – I’ve finally returned to the immediate Reading, PA area and I couldn’t be happier to be back.
Outside of physically returning to where I feel I belong, I’m also returning to some old creative projects that I’ve had set on a perpetual backburner for far too long. Of course I’m also still managing all of my ongoing business ventures and continuing to expand in those endeavors – so my free time is rather limited.
I’m realizing as I write this that I’m being excessively vague, but there’s genuinely so much going on at once right now that I find it difficult – if not tedious – to put it all into words. If you want specifics, you’ve come to the wrong blog post. You’ll want to check out just about any other post on my blog for that kind of informative writing. This post is merely a “welcome back” message – both to myself and to anyone who may be interested in learning more about my work moving forward.
Keep it strapped it – this rollercoaster has just barely begun its ascent.