Watch My New Documentary – The Complete History of Donkey Kong (1981 to 2023)

It’s been a long while since I last uploaded a Nintendo documentary to my The Nintendo Beast YouTube channel, but when tasked with coming up with a fitting 1000th video… I knew what it had to be. I originally created 3 Nintendo documentaries – following the complete histories of Mario, Pokémon, and Animal Crossing. Then upon returning to the channel full time during COVID, I re-did all 3 of those to better display my video editing ability and to bring them up to the then modern time.
Fast forward to now – for my 1000th video on the channel, I wanted to do something big. I polled my subscribers to see what documentary they’d most like to see from me next and Donkey Kong won by a significant margin. I then began doing my research and writing the script for the video. Spoiler alert, this took me (as it always does) WAY too long with my schedule being what it is.
Over the past few weeks I’ve been recording the narration, collecting all of the gameplay and B roll footage and graphics, and editing the video into something I hope to be entertaining AND informative – which is always the goal with these big Nintendo documentaries I do.
At long last, today I premiered the video live – only about a week and a half later than I had originally announced. In my defense, my work schedule has been a bear lately and a tooth extraction had me completely benched for a few days. Turns out I can’t bounce back instantly just by popping pain killers like I could after getting my wisdom teeth removed in high school. 27 is a sad, revealing age.
Anyway, the video is done and I’m really proud of how it turned out. If you’re interested in the history of Donkey Kong (it’s a pretty wild story), the history of Nintendo, or you’re just a straight up video game nerd like I am, I urge you to check it out! I hope you love it, and thanks to everyone who has supported my TNB channel. Without you all, I wouldn’t be inspired to do what I do and I would’ve never reached 1k videos uploaded (and soon to be 4k subscribers)!