Faot Media Company’s New and Improved Website is LIVE!

As of late, I’ve been hard at work rebuilding the website for my primary business venture – Faot Media Company. The other day, I finally launched the site and unveiled it on social media. I’m very happy with how it turned out. Of course, as is the case with anything I do, I’ll continue to make adjustments to beautify the site as time goes on. My goal was to create a site that was clean, appealing, and incredibly simple to navigate.
For the most part, the site serves as a portal to help visitors find their way to one of the company’s independent media groups. I wanted to make sure, with that goal in mind, that the new Faot Media site was easily traversable. I think I nailed it, if I do say so myself haha. There’s obviously always room for improvement and I will be constantly on the lookout for quirks within the site that I don’t like (as I do with all of my sites, all the time, because I’m compulsive like that).
But for now, check out the new and improved Faot Media Company website by clicking here.